May Half Term Newsletter!

Thank you to everyone who came to Book Buddies and Biscuits this morning - photos are available here.
Please find a link to our latest newsletter at the bottom of this page, notices for the first week back were sent out via email on Friday 26th May.
1. Please use our “new to you” uniform sales to stock up for September
2. Check with Mrs Scarce in the office in the first instance - we keep a number of brand new items in stock in school
3. IF you still cannot find the items/sizes you would like, please order here by 23rd June Latest
Amazon wish list Thank you to those who have already bought some books from our wish list. Please feel free to share the link with friends, family and on social media groups:
Dates For Summer Term (do check weekly notices email as these get updated with new events)
Thursday 8th June - Y6 Transition workshop with Bawdsey School run by Just42
Saturday 10th June - A new and exciting FREE festival of art and music happening on Saturday 10th June in Saxmundham. There will be artist-led workshops, diverse music from young local bands and musicians, DJ’s, food and drink, environmental stalls, community enterprise, and fun activities including an art trail for all age groups.
Sunday 11th June - Pet Service at Tunstall Church
Friday 16th and Saturday 17th June - Arts Award Club Rust and Stardust Performance - Times confirmed: 1.30pm Friday, 7pm Saturday. Ticket details in newsletter.
Wednesday 21st June - Sports Day and family picnic
Thursday 29th June - Reception-Y6 trip to Ipswich Mosque. More details to follow
Wednesday 5th July - Backup Sports Day and family picnic in case of bad weather
Friday 14th July - End of Year Reports to parents
Thursday 20th July - Y6 Leaver’s Service in Church 1:30pm
Friday 21st July - Last day of the school year