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Orford CEVA Primary School


CEVA Primary School

Cl3 Blog News Archive

Autumn 2022 

17th October (blog written by the class themselves this week!)

In science, we have been learning about light and specifically periscopes. 

"A periscope works when you look through one end and it lets you see over things, like a submarine" Alex

"There's one mirror at a 45 degree angle, the light reflects off of it onto another mirror at a 45 degree angle, and then you can see the image"

We made our own periscopes and posters explaining how they work. Look at the results!


7th October

For the past two weeks in Geography, we have been learning about Biomes and what makes each type unique. Outside our classroom is a super display of our finished research posters - take a look when you are next in school.


27th September

In music, class 3 have transformed into THE GREATEST ROCK BAND EVER and have learnt to sing and play Abba's "Mamma Mia". The tempo is very fast, so it was tricky to keep up at first, but they each took an instrument and practised until they could play in time with the music. Check them out so far!! We are hoping to work up to a full performance in assembly soon!


23rd September

This week in Literacy, class 3 have worked really hard to build suspense in their writing. We studied some examples from our class book 'The Barnabus Project' and looked at the elements of suspense writing: imagery, varied sentence length and punctuation, before writing our own examples from a starting sentence. Here is a small selection:

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, a long dark corridor quickly filled my vision - it was as dark as a pitch black night without any moon or stars. A swamp of cool mist surrounded me in the dark gloom. Under my feet, I felt a squelchy brown soil sticking to my trainers. I could smell the fresh soil. Without warning, I tripped. I fell on a hard, cold rock. I passed out....                  LANA

My heart pounding in my chest, I thought I could hear a voice but I must be imagining things. I looked to my left but nothing, I looked to my right but... nothing. My head was pounding like thunder now. It was dark and all I could see was the moonlight reflecting on the inky water. The black lagoon was full of liquid that looked like it would drown you the second you stepped in. I took a step, the sharp stones like glass shooting into my bare, cold toes. The crystal walls around me glistened in the moonlight. I heard another crunch. But this time it seemed louder. My heart skipped a beat and this time I knew there really was something there. Without a doubt, I turned around and there it was, staring into my soul, a black figure. BANG. I turned again. A hand grabbed me. The next thing I knew I was being dragged into the darkness...                  MIMSIE

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I could see black and white radioactive bombs hanging nervously from the ceiling. The giant lava pit was bubbling away like a potion and was as hot as fire. Unexpectedly, a cold hand touched me. It grabbed my jumper. It pulled me into the darkness...               AYDEN

Have a great weekend - please remember to complete all parts of the homework task, including spelling sentences! An example was given on the first week if you are unsure. If there are any other questions, please do just ask any of the class 3 team, always happy to help! 

16th September

This week, Class 3 had the honour of attending a short service of remembrance at St Bartholomew's Church for our late Queen Elizabeth II. The whole school had worked together to draw pictures, write letters, create poems and write prayers to pay our respects and collated them in our own book of condolences.

Rev Giles led us in prayer and each child was able to light a candle in the chapel. 

The book is on display in the Church for the time being, if you would like to visit over the weekend or after school one day to read the children's touching tributes. See you all on Tuesday.


Queen Elizabeth II - Queen Elizabeth II - ITV Hub

6th September 

Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a restful summer! 

Class 3 have had a superb start back and we have been incredibly impressed by the diligence, positivity and  willingness to "jump straight back in". Some brilliant writing has been produced already.

Please click here for the term's topic overview and see below a list of your child's cooking group. Homework will be set on Friday with full details of what to complete, how and when.

Thank you!


























Class 3 News 2021-2 

PGL Photos now online!

Click here: to view the photos of our trip to PGL from 6th -8th June 2022. Enjoy! 

PGL Tuesday 7th June

Good evening! 

We've had another really busy day here at Bawdsey Manor. The sun shone all day and there's been a fantastic atmosphere. This morning, the children attempted to climb Jacob's Ladder and there were some really good scores whilst rifle shooting. This afternoon, the children did 'Robot Wars' which involved lots of cardboard and a blindfolded, guided 'robot' for each team; with water balloons thrown in for good measure! Our final activities this afternoon / evening were the challenge course and capture the flag. Both involved lots of physical activity, which Miss Davis and I are hoping will lead to a good night's sleep for all! 

The children have again behaved brilliantly and we're looking forward to lots more fun before we leave tomorrow! 

Best wishes, Miss Davis and Mrs Reeve 

PGL Monday 6th June

Good evening!

Our PGL children have had a fantastic day! We've been busy this afternoon with our first activities: climbing and archery. The children have been so supportive of each other and they have already been complemented by a member of PGL staff for their great behaviour! They have settled in well and are all getting along brilliantly - it's a really lovely atmosphere here!

I'm so sorry but although I've tried to upload pictures, the Wi-Fi strength is not able to cope with the large file size but we'll put some pictures on the website as soon as we can! 

We're about to go off for our final activity of the day now - the campfire! We'll keep you updated with our activities tomorrow. 

Best wishes, 

Mrs Reeve and Miss Davis 

Week beginning 23rd May 2022

Wow, what a week!

I hope your children really enjoyed the school events to celebrate the Jubilee this Wednesday and I know that they will be excited to continue to use the Prayer Garden, following its formal opening this week too. 

I gather that the children were brilliant in their sharing assembly (well done Class 3!) and I hope that you enjoyed a taster of 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies' which will, I am sure, be a fantastic production later in the term! The children have now been given their parts and I hope that you may be able to support them by helping them to learn their lines. (From past experience, I know that this makes a real difference once we begin rehearsals, so thank you in advance!)  

For Year 4 parents especially, can you please ask your children to complete some of the multiplication check activities as their multiplication check is coming up soon. Please click on this link:  to take you to a site to practice this. 

For parents and carers of children in Year 5 and 6, I'm really looking forward to accompanying your child on our residential during the week after half-term, fo what I'm sure will be a lot of fun. We will aim to post updates on a daily basis of the fun that they're having! 

Finally, all the team in Class 3 wish you a Happy Half Term and look forward to seeing you in June! 

Best wishes, Mrs Reeve

PGL Meeting Tonight - @ 6pm! 

A reminder to all parents of children in Year 5 and 6 that there is a Google Meet tonight at 6pm. Please follow the link you have received from Mrs Scarce to join the meeting. Best wishes, Mrs Reeve

Thursday 12th May 2022

A HUGE well done to all our fabulous pupils who have been sitting their SATS this week! They've worked so hard and they will now be able to have a bit more of a restful time at school. 

Please continue to check online and in your email inbox for any letters / information. The most recent information that has been sent is the Topic Overview and the PGL Information for Years 5 and 6 (which has been emailed to you). An email will be sent shortly with the Google Meet link for the PGL meeting. 

We have now also chosen our end of Year Play. Once it's arrived in school the children will be informed of what they will be performing. ,Please could you support your child to learn their lines over the half-term break as this makes rehearsals much easier! We are sure that the children will enjoy participating in this as much as they have in previous years and can't wait to begin rehearsals. 

A reminder to parents of children in Year 6, swimming starts on Monday 16th May (and continues for Year 4 and 5).  

Best wishes for a lovely weekend in the sunshine, 

Mrs Reeve

Easter 2022!

We have all had a very busy week leading up to the Easter holidays! It was especially enjoyable to attend Orford Church for the special 'Experience Easter' event organised by Rev. Giles and the team, and also to be able to read out some of our own Easter poems as part of the church service on Thursday.

We have also been enjoying learning about the circular economy. In English this week, we wrote balanced arguments looking at whether we should implement this in our society. Some of us were very proud to be able to read sections of our writing out to parents in our share assembly.

In Science, we have been finishing off learning about Space. We have spent the last couple of weeks designing and creating our own model solar systems. This was completely independent work, using only cardboard and other classroom resources! Again, we were very proud to be able to share our work in assembly this week.

Finally, today we had great fun creating our own Maths board games! Some very ambitious designs were created with themes such as Harry Potter and World War 2 combined with Maths knowledge and skills. I was extremely impressed by the creativity shown!

We hope that you all have a lovely Easter time celebrating and [hopefully] relaxing with your families! For Year 6 children, some optional Sats practice activities have been uploaded to Google Classroom, which would be fantastic if children have the chance to try.

Best wishes,

Miss Fleck


Science Fair 2022

We had a wonderful day today at our Science Fair! The children did a fabulous job presenting their learning and experiments, and it was clear the hard work that every single child had put into their investigations. Thank you so much for your support at home and congratulations to every child!



Best Wishes,

Miss Fleck

World Book Day 

This week we all had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day! Thank you to all the children and parents/carers at home who put in such an amazing effort with costumes, took part in the reading challenge over half-term and helped us to all have such a special day.

Throughout the course of the day, we enjoyed a number of fun reading based activities. We started the day by creating a circle of reading; this meant that we created a circle with the chairs in our classroom and then all swapped books in order to broaden our reading horizons and experience different genres. We set a timer for three minutes and each time it went off we swapped books to the right. At the end, we shared our ideas about the different books we'd had a chance to look at.

The whole school also spent time looking at the story 'The Day the Crayons Quit' by Drew Daywalt. In Class 3, we then enjoyed writing persuasive letters from the perspective of the narrator to persuade the crayons to return! A number of our letters are now up on display outside the classroom.

We also made sure to spend time reading for pleasure in our school library. Again this gave us time to explore books that we may not usually have a chance to spend time reading, and allowed us to read with our friends in a relaxed way!

Overall, we all had a truly fabulous day! We are now looking forward to Science Week on March 14th; I know many children have already made a good start with a number of exciting projects! Please do ask if you need support with ideas or resources, as investigations will need to be presented on Thursday 17th. 

Best Wishes,

Miss Fleck


Friday 4th March 

Class 3 have returned to school after half-term with a fantastic work ethic as usual! In English, we have begun thinking about Science Fiction Narratives and have been investigating how we can use adjectives, fronted adverbials and interesting connectives within our work to extend our ideas. Yesterday, the children also, participated in lessons themed for World Book day, which I know Miss Fleck will update you on soon! 

In maths, we have been looking at percentages and in history, we have been continuing our World War 2 topic, looking at propaganda and how it was used. 

May I take this opportunity to also thank you all for your amazing support with the History project. This was astounding. Miss Fleck and I have been in consultation with other teachers and TA's and together we have decided upon a winner and two runners-up. This was an incredibly hard task and we could have chosen a number of pupils but, in the end, we looked at both the work the children produced and the standard of their presentation to the rest of the Class, coupled with how much knowledge the children had retained while completing their project. I know that there may be some children who may be disappointed but I am hopeful that with the opportunity to shine with the Science project there's another chance for success!  I am currently working on a video montage which will soon be available online (I'll post here so that you know when it's available), so that you will be able to get a feel of the amazing work your children produced and how proud they (and we!) were of their achievements.  

Best wishes and thank you for all your support, 

Mrs Reeve

Thursday 10th February 2022 

Good afternoon! This week children have continued with a wide range of learning opportunities. In English, we have continued reading Letters from the Lighthouse and have been writing diary entries in role as Olive. In Maths, we are now looking more closely at decimals, combining this with our knowledge and understanding of fractions. 

In our Science this afternoon we especially enjoyed making split pin models of the Earth, Sun and Moon. We joined together images of the Sun, Earth and Moon using card and split pins and were able to demonstrate our understanding of why the Moon appears as different shapes in the night's sky. You can see some of our models below:

Next week we are looking forward to seeing children's completed World War II projects! We know how hard they have all been working on them.

Best Wishes,

Miss Fleck

Friday 28th January 2022

 This week Class 3 have continued with a number of exciting learning opportunities!

In particular, in English, we have been writing formal letters in role as evacuation officers trying to persuade parents to send their children away from London to live in the countryside during the Blitz. I have been so impressed by the effort children have put in to their writing - ensuring that their content is excellent, while also paying close attention to spellings and presentation! Mrs Butler was also wowed by the fabulous writing and gave every child a headteacher's award!

In other subjects, we have enjoyed reading the story of Rose Blanche in guided reading with Miss Fleck, and have also found out interesting facts about how theories about Space have changed over time in Science. 

Photos of the children's DT fairground creations have also been uploaded onto the school website gallery. Everybody was very proud of their work!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Miss Fleck

History Homework reminder! 

A reminder that the history homework is due in on Monday 7th February, and we will be having an exhibition in the hall on Wednesday 9th February 2022. We will wait and see if it will be possible to invite parents in for this, as we do for the Science Fair. We will still hope to invite the rest of the school, and we look forward to seeing all that they have produced! 

Thursday 20th January 2022

Class 3 have continued to enjoy the story of 'Letters from a lighthouse' this week. In English, we looked at a copy of a letter written by an Evacuation Officer to parents in 1940, asking them to evacuate their children. We used this to look at features of persuasive letters and to plan our own letter that we will be writing 'in role', imagining that we are evacuation officers.  The children have been really engaged whilst considering what it must have been like, to have been parents or children receiving such a letter. 

In maths, we have been continuing our work on fractions this week. We have been adding and subtracting fractions and will be moving on to multiplying fractions tomorrow. 

We have been finishing off our DT topic in the afternoons and have nearly finished some brilliant working fairground ride models! We'll share some photos of these soon. 

Best wishes for a good weekend,

Mrs Reeve

Topic Overview Link 

Just to confirm, for anyone who has not seen this yet, our topic overview is now online and can be found here:

Spring Term 2022 Topic Overview

Friday 14th January 2022

Good Afternoon! We have had another fantastic week here in Class 3! 

In our English this week, we have enjoyed starting to read Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. The story is set during the Second World War and tells the story of a girl named Olive who is evacuated from London to live with a mysterious lighthouse keeper in Devon, while she also tries to solve the mystery of her sister Sukie who vanished one night during an air raid in London. We have so far enjoyed making predictions, getting to know the characters and writing diary entries in role. We are all looking forward to continuing with this story over the coming weeks! 

In Maths, we have been learning about fractions. This has included looking at equivalent fractions, mixed numbers and improper fractions and ordering/comparing fractions. All of the children have persevered and pushed themselves with their Maths work this week, and I have been very impressed. We will continue looking at fractions over the next couple of weeks.

We have also started an exciting DT project making fairground rides. Children created their own designs with Mrs Reeve, then on Thursday practised creating electric circuits with motors to see how they could create movement in either a Ferris wheel or carousel design. You can see below some photos of us creating our circuits. Next week we look forward to making the structures for our rides and combining this with the electrical circuits.


Spelling homework has gone out today and is due back next Wednesday. Please let us know any questions about any aspect of your child's learning and we will always do our best to help!

Best Wishes,

Miss Fleck


Thursday 6th January 2022

Good morning! Wishing you all a warm welcome back to school! Just to let you know, our topic overview will be going online soon, detailing our learning about this term. Please look out for this!

Sumdog Maths homework is now live and due in on Wednesday. 

Well done to the children for coming back to school so enthusiastically yesterday! Best wishes, Mrs Reeve

Google Meet for Class 3 on Monday 13th December at 9:15am. 

If you are learning at home on Monday, there will be a Google meet video call to enable you to ask any questions about how to access online learning / complete the tasks for the day. Your child has been sent an invitation via their Google Classroom account and I will also post a link to the meet on the stream just before the event. Please can you ensure that your child only joins using their own Google account to prevent any problems gaining admittance to the meeting, for safety reasons.

Many thanks, 

Mrs Reeve

Information regarding work for children who are learning at home next week - posted on Thursday 9th December 

Good afternoon. If your child is learning at home next week, I have scheduled a timetable of their sessions to be uploaded at 8:30am on Monday 13th December on Google Classroom. It details the times at which their learning tasks are scheduled to be uploaded throughout the early part of the week. 

Please keep checking the stream for updates such as assemblies / live sessions for them to keep in touch with the class if they feel well enough to join in with learning. 

Well done to those of you who've been learning online today - I've seen some lovely comments from Miss Fleck - you must be working so hard! :) 

Have a good weekend and I wish you a speedy recovery if you're feeling poorly. 

Best wishes,

Mrs Reeve 

Wednesday 8th December 2021

A huge well done to the children of Class 3 for all their efforts this week. The have behaved impeccably, as always, and have made staff within the school very proud of them. 

Hopefully by now you have all received details regarding home learning and logging your child on to Google Classroom, to ensure that we can support them in this. If you require further support, please contact the school. Miss Fleck will be online tomorrow and will be answering any questions your child has regarding their learning via either the Google stream or from private comments within the work set online. 

On another note, may I remind the children that their maths homework on Sumdog is due on Monday. Well done to those children that have already completed this. Just to let you know, this will be the final set of homework of the Autumn Term. 

Very best wishes to you all, 

Mrs Reeve

Thursday 2nd December 2021

This week, we have begun our new unit on poetry in English, and we have been looking at 'The Listeners' by Walter de la Mere. The children have had some really thoughtful discussions about the meaning behind this complex poem and they have been really enthusiastic in our sessions.

In maths, we have begun to look at statistics and have been focussing on both bar charts and line graphs. We have drawn these and have responded to questions about the bar charts and line graphs that we have seen. We continue to work on our times tables and the children have been having fun playing this game as a starter activity this week. https://Times tables game Please encourage as much practice of times tables as you can - both on Sumdog and on this game! This will really help your child. 

In Geography, we have continued our construction of our model river systems. Please see some pictures below of our early work ....                                      

In music, we also enjoyed improvising to a piece of jazz music, using xylophones.



Our cross-country times continue to improve, and the children have shown great perseverance and team spirit supporting others as they run. More Christmas fun is also due next week as we enjoy the Class 1 Nativity performance. 

We hope you have a great weekend and enjoy some early Christmas excitement! Best wishes, Mrs Reeve. 


Friday 26th November

Class 3 have continued their hard work in English and Maths this week.

In English, we have completed writing a narrative based on stories from other cultures. Children wrote powerful descriptions and ensured that their stories have fully developed structured. We can't wait to finish reading them all! We are also looking forward to moving on to a new genre of poetry for the last few weeks before Christmas.

In Maths, we have been looking at multiples, factors and prime numbers. We have looked at the relationships between these and have applied our knowledge to solve problems based on them. Some of us have also moved on to developing our knowledge of square and cubed numbers, and some Year 5 and 6 children have also started using BIDMAS to solve problems. We have been very impressed by the hard work children are putting into their learning, but we do request that times tables continue to be practised at home. 

Finally, we also had a wonderful time in our Christmas jumpers on Friday! We enjoyed getting into the Christmas spirit and going into different classrooms to make our Christmas decorations, which are going to look very merry around the school!


Friday 19th November

Class 3 have continued to work really hard in English this week, writing stories based on other cultures. We have focussed on a series of skills ranging from writing in complete sentences to remembering to use metaphors similes in our writing. We have also been working on varying our sentence structure. Class 3 now have all the tools, they just need to put them in their writing and Miss Fleck and I have been really impressed by the standard of some of the work that has been produced so far! 

In maths, we have been working on division and some children have also begun to use chunking to help them to solve more tricky problems. All the children have been working really hard and are using division to help them to solve problems towards the end of the week. 

In Geography over the last couple of weeks, we have been completing different tasks. Year 4 have been learning about the Water Cycle and have created lego models showing what happens at various stages of this important process and Years 5 and 6 have been producing information regarding COP 26. They will be teaching the rest of the school what they have learned in assembly on Monday. I have been so impressed by the enthusiasm the children have shown whilst learning about this important, topical issue. 

We have also continued our cross-country challenge and the children are all showing great determination and huge improvements in their stamina! Well done Class 3. 

I wish you an enjoyable weekend and look forward to teaching your child on Monday. 

Thursday 4th November 2021

We hope you have all enjoyed a lovely half-term!

Class 3 have settled back into their learning really well and have again demonstrated a fantastic learning attitude. We have been focussing on ways to vary sentence construction in English so far this week, in preparation for the children using some of these sentence structures in their own stories (we hope!). In Maths, we have been concentrating on subtraction calculations (using decomposition) on Monday and Tuesday, and we are now working on either two-step or multi-step word problems to do with both addition and subtraction. The children are tackling these with lots of resilience, which has been great to witness. In Geography, we investigated the COP 26 summit and created sideshows following our own research. The children produced some passionate work on this important matter. In computing, we have continued our scratch work and have been creating games within this program and finally, we started our Cross Country unit. We timed our initial attempt, and we are working towards beating our own times, week on week. The children showed great determination on a very chilly Tuesday afternoon!   

We wish you all a very exciting weekend with Bonfire Night festivities and look forward to seeing you on Monday. 

Thursday 21st October 2021  

Today we had lots of fun doing some gardening outside this afternoon!

We planted garlic, red onions, spring onions and broad beans ready for the Spring! We all enjoyed raking over the soil, weeding it and smoothing it over, before planting our seeds. 


 More photos of our hard work are in the photo gallery page of the website. We look forward to watching the fruit of our labours over the coming months!

Once again, we would like to wish you a very happy and safe half-term with your families. See you on November 1st!

Wednesday 20th October 2021

Thank you to you all for supporting our Macmillan Coffee / Open Morning, both with your donations and also by coming and seeing what we do. We had a number of visitors and there was a lovely atmosphere welcoming people to our fantastic school. We were especially proud of our pupils. They were confident and articulate whilst giving tours and were equally so, serving tea and cakes in the hall. Well done Class 3, you've impressed us hugely this week! 

In English this week, we began making Text Maps of the story "Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters'. This will help us to learn language patterns and some new vocabulary, so that when we come to write our own stories, we have lots of ideas modelling variety within sentence structure to draw on. 




In maths we have begun calculating using formal column methods and we have extended this to using our skills with estimation. In Geography, we have been drawing our Russia topic to a close considering what we have learned and we have been using scratch to create an archery game in Computing this week. In P.E., we continued our understanding of hockey, by considering defensive tactics and then playing a game for the first time. We considered how we could improve by using the full width of the pitch. 

Our Year 6 pupils have been busy undertaking activities that have been arranged by 'Crucial Crew'. Although we couldn't attend the event as we would normally, we watched video clips from a variety of agencies teaching life skills. Our pupils had lots of questions but gave many encouraging responses. 

Finally, we would like to wish our Year 4 pupils a wonderful time whilst on their residential to Bawdsey Manor. We know they'll have some brilliant activities to look forward to and we look forward to hearing all about their time away. 

We would like to wish you a very happy half-term break and look forward to welcoming your child back on Monday 1st November.    


Friday 8th October 2021 

Another busy and exciting week here in Class 3!

This week we especially enjoyed Thursday's National Poetry Day. We spent our English lesson ;listening to poets such as Michael Rosen, Benjamin Zephaniah and Kate Tempest, and then writing poems using metaphors with fantastic results! Some of us were even then able to share our poems in assembly on Friday.

I would also like to thank parents and carers for the support they have given to homework so far! The expectation is for children to read daily, and then complete weekly spelling and Maths homework. More details about this have gone home with your child's Spelling Homework book this weekend.

Next week we are looking forward to our School Open Day on Friday, as Year 6 will be giving tours of the school, while other members of the class will be helping out with cakes and teas in the hall! It would be great to see some as many members of the community as possible supporting the school.

- Miss Fleck

Thursday 23rd September 2021 

This week Years 5 and 6 from Class 3 have been lucky enough to experience the first school trip of the year to Snape Maltings! The theme of the trip of 'Wildlife on a Knife Edge!" We enjoyed exploring the landscape, discussing the natural surroundings and the living organisms we could find there. We collected examples of some of the different plants we found. We were then able to visit the art gallery, where we looked at different examples of lettering and text types. 

In the afternoon, we came back to school where we had a workshop (alongside the Year 4 children) looking at different lettering in more detail. We spent the afternoon creating some beautiful artwork with our own fonts and lettering. Our choices were inspired by nature and observations of the plants we had collected. 





Thursday 16th September 2021 

Here in Class 3 we have been enjoying another busy week! 

It has been a pleasure for me to get to know the children and see their wonderful hard work over the last two weeks. 

This week we have enjoyed exploring place value in Maths - looking at sequences of numbers and adding and subtracting using our place value knowledge. In English, we have continued working on our Russian travel guides, where we have planned and organised our ideas into different sections and have then started writing our first drafts! We look forward to publishing the children's final versions over the next week.

We have also continued learning about Living Things and Their Habitats in Science. Last week the children dissected flowers in order to see the different parts and learn about the roles they play in fertilisation. Below are some pictures of the children showing off their work:


On Wednesday, we are excited to go on our first school trip of the year to Snape Maltings. Please do remember to check Mrs Reeve's note below about appropriate clothing.

I look forward to meeting you all over the coming weeks.

Miss Fleck

Forest Schools

A reminder that Forest Schools starts again on Monday (20th September) for Class 3. Can you ensure your child has the usual 'forest schools clothing' in school please? We know they'll have a brilliant time enjoying this fantastic activity with Mrs Marriot once more. Kind regards, Mrs Reeve

Clothing for the visit to Snape Maltings

Just to let you know, we are asking the children to come in wearing their own clothes (including long trousers, suitable walking shoes / wellingtons and a waterproof coat) for the trip to Snape Maltings on Wednesday 22nd September. 

Maths Homework on Sumdog 16.09.21

Maths homework is now available on Sumdog. It will be due in on Wednesday 22nd September by the start of school, as it expires at lunchtime. Please ask your child to speak to me if they have any problems completing this. Have a good weekend. Kind regards, Mrs Reeve

Thursday 9th September 2021

Welcome back to school! It's been so lovely to welcome the children back this week, they have been motivated, excited and have worked so hard, especially since the weather has been so hot! We couldn't have asked for a better start, so please congratulate your child on their efforts! We are delighted to welcome Miss Fleck to our team in Class 3 alongside myself, Miss Davis and Mrs Robinson and I know the children have had a great start with her.

I thought I's start this post by showing you photographs of our newly painted classroom and brand new interactive whiteboard which the children will be benefiting from. 


 Our new reading area.....!       


The children have started going to whole school assemblies this week and Class 3 were excellent role models for the younger children experiencing whole school assemblies for the first time. Our Year 6's were also keen to discover that they had been given monitor roles again for saying Prayers and supporting teaching staff with technology. In addition, the return of the benches was very much welcomed! We have begun to learn about our new school value of Justice and have begun to discuss what this means. Back in the classroom, we've had a busy start to our topic on Russia and we have begun to use the chromebooks to research facts about this country. We will be creating non-chronological reports using the information that we have found out. The children have also been really motivated in our maths lessons this week. We have begun to read, write order and compare numbers and they have worked with focus. It's been lovely to be able to sing again, following the relaxation of the COVID restrictions and we have been working on our responses to the song 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams within our music sessions. Our P.E. session on Tuesday was extremely hot; however, the children did so well learning about passing and dribbling in hockey. 

Please look out for more information in the coming days, regarding our topic overview, our welcome letter. 

We look forward to seeing you on the playground. 

Mrs Reeve

Thursday 8th July 2021

Wow, Class 3 has been busy...! Over the last couple of weeks, we've:

  • Welcomed Staff from Thomas Mills High School, on Tuesday 29th June for a fantastic morning of Science and Drama (photos now available to view in the gallery section of the website)
  • Performed Sherlock and Cinders (which I hope you've now had the opportunity to watch with your child - again, if there are any problems viewing this file, please let me know!) We hope to upload photos next week! Thank you for your support with this event. It was a challenging experience with all the technology (!) but we hope you enjoyed / enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed performing it for you.  
  • Had a campfire evening on Thursday 1st July. We had so much fun playing in the forest schools area, eating hot dogs, playing games with swimming woggles and paper plates - (ask the children about this one - Miss Davis' idea for this game was a real hit! :.) singing songs and toasting marshmallows.   
  • Visited Farlingaye High School (Our Year 6 pupils who will move up to Farlingaye in September have visited there)
  • Had a move-up morning with our new Class for the 2021 - 22 academic Year.
  • Been rehearsing for our performance of 'The Marsh Demons of Iken' collaborating with the Theatre Group 'Rust and Stardust'. (We look forward to performing for you tomorrow!   

We're gradually sifting our way through lots of pictures and will be sharing them with you as soon as possible on the website, so you can see all of these fantastic events. 

Coming up next week......

We have the Race for Life on Tuesday afternoon (please try to support this fantastic event by attracting lots of sponsorship!) All the details for this event have been sent to you by Miss Cannon, but don't forget your child's pink clothing! We have a sports Carousel on Wednesday and the Year 6 leavers service on Friday.

We will also be saying Goodbye to Mrs Reilly on Friday, who's been a fantastic member of the Class 3 team. I'm sure you will join me in wishing her well. We will miss you Mrs Reilly! 

Finally, we will be saying goodbye to our fabulous Year 6 pupils - we wish you well, and we know you all have a fabulous future ahead of you! Good luck Year 6! 

Stop Press.... Sherlock and Cinders information...! 

Dear Parents, I could not share this file on Tapestry as it was too large. However, I have shared it with your children on their Google Drive. They will need to log in using the same account they used in lock down for their learning and should be able to download and view from there. As before, please do not share this file, for reasons of security. I am certain you will love reliving this wonderful performance with your child. If you experience any difficulties with this, please contact the school office. Many thanks, Mrs Reeve. 

Thursday 6th May 2021

We hope you had a great bank holiday weekend and that you were able to get out and about and enjoy a little more freedom following the easing of some restrictions! :.) 

On Tuesday, we continued working on our features of mystery stories, by learning a story in groups, using actions; then teaching this to the rest of the class. This will help us to embed exciting language and sentence structures within our own writing, by mirroring some of the techniques we have memorised.  In Maths, we have been looking at comparing and ordering fractions, and later in the week, we will be encountering some problem-solving and reasoning questions focussing on this objective. 

On Wednesday, we welcomed Mrs Reilly to our team, who I am sure, will be a great asset. She will be teaching reading skills on Thursday and doing a Spelling session on Friday. The children will be learning a spelling rule and applying this. They will also sit the spelling test based on the words they were given last Friday. 

In history, we looked at the similarities and differences between Prehistoric medicine and Ancient Egyptian medicine and considered this in light of some medical techniques we use today. The children will also continue to follow the established timetable of Maths and PE on Wednesday afternoons, Science and French on Thursday afternoons and Art and PE on Friday afternoons. 

A reminder that SUMDog is now online and available to access until Monday morning at 8am, when next week's SUMDog appears online. 

Enjoy the upcoming weekend! 

Best wishes, 

Mrs Reeve


29th April 2021 

Class 3 have had another busy week this week! We have been consolidating our understanding of features of mystery stories. We looked at relative clauses and relative pronouns and considered how we could use embedded clauses including these, within sentences that we wrote; so that we will be able to use these within our stories when we come to write them. In maths, we have been looking at how we can convert different units of measure to enable us to solve problems. We looked at converting km, to m, g to kg and minutes to seconds amongst other conversions. Tomorrow, we will be making a board game in maths demonstrating all the new facts that we have learned and challenging our peers to solve the problems we invent! In history, we looked at the difference between primary and secondary sources of evidence, within our new topic 'Medicine Through Time.' We investigated digital systems in computing and considered the inputs, processes and outputs of various systems including traffic lights with sensors. In science, we looked at recognising diagrams used in electrical circuits and drew simple circuits using these. We've also enjoyed another great session in Forest Schools with Mrs Marriot this week.  

Homework: Don't forget to practice your spellings for the test tomorrow. The next set of spellings will be given to your child on Tuesday. Sumdog is online and well done to those of you who've already completed this. The next set will go live at 8am on Monday 3rd May. 

Have a really great bank holiday weekend and see you back at school on Tuesday. 

Best wishes, 

Mrs Reeve

Forest Schools

I am excited to let you know that Forest schools will begin on Monday 19th April (tomorrow) with Mrs Marriot. Please could you ensure that your child has the usual appropriate clothing in for this session and every Monday until the half term break. 

Maths homework for week beginning 12th April 2021

A reminder that Maths homework is now online and due in on Monday 19th April. 12

Week beginning 22nd March 2021

This week, Class 3 have been working on completing their chat shows in English, which we will be filming towards the end of the week. We have been doing a few assessments in maths to gauge where the children are at, so that we can plan effectively for the Summer term and support the children in the best possible way. We have also continued with more work on percentages.

During the afternoons on Monday and Tuesday, we split into groups to investigate different biomes. The children are in the process of producing a series of Google Slides, so that they present their new knowledge to their peers about the biome they focussed on.   They have also been doing some Easter artwork. 

We would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter! 

With very best wishes, 

Mrs Reeve

Week beginning 15th March 2021

Class 3 have been working hard this week and are now used to working together back at school. We have been continuing our work on percentages and have been working on understanding that percent relates to 'number of parts per hundred' - linking this concept with decimals and fractions. We have  completed some problem solving and reasoning questions based on this. In English, we have been writing and structuring a series of questions to ask the character 'Lucky' from the novel 'Phoenix' by S.F. Said in the role of a chat show host. We will be continuing our chat show script throughout the week. In the afternoons, we have been completing some art work to use within our display on our topic Kenya.   

Bikeability during the week beginning 12th April

This is a quick reminder for any parents who are yet to return the Bikeability consent. We'd appreciate the return of all responses by Friday 19th March, to enable us to make all the necessary arrangements before the Easter holidays. Many thanks to those of you who have already responded to the letter and given your consent so quickly - it's much appreciated. 

Maths Homework for the weeks beginning the 15th and 22nd March. 

A reminder, this week's maths homework is now online and due in on Monday 22nd March. 

Next week's maths homework will go live on Sumdog on Monday 22nd March and will be due in on Monday 29th March. 

Homework for the remainder of the Spring and the Summer Term 

Homework will start during the week beginning Monday 15th March.

Sumdog will be online from Monday afternoon and is due in on Monday 22nd March. 

Spelling homework will be set by Mrs Martin. 

Please continue to read your own reading books at home. 

Week beginning 8th March - the first week back!  (Including Science Fair 2021!) 

We've had a gentle start to the week with a combination of maths and English as usual but also combined with some activities to support children with their return to school. We have also welcomed Mrs Martin to our team. We know she'll be a great asset to Orford School and we all look forward to working together. 

We made paper chains, and on each link, we wrote about all of the qualities that we have and reasons that we are proud of ourselves. 

On Monday and Tuesday, we began our unit on TV Chat shows for English, looking at a fictional chat show interviewing Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. Together we identified the key features of TV Chat shows, so that we will be able to write a script for, then perform and record our version of a chat show based on a character in a novel. In Maths we began by starting a unit of work based on percentages. On Monday afternoon, in Art, we drew animal prints to create a background for the display board outside our Classroom based on our Kenya topic. We also went to the library to look at the new features that Miss Davis has worked on during the lockdown, to enable the children to find books more easily. The library looks really inviting now, thank you Miss Davis!     

On Tuesday, during the afternoon, the children of Class 3 participated in our brilliant Science Fair. Thank you to all of you who have supported your children, and thank you to the children themselves for creating, yet again, some fabulous investigations this year and for posting the videos online. Miss Cannon has created a video for you to enjoy, showing many of the superb investigations. Click here to view:

 . Class 3 set up their investigations and we held a whole school Google Meet, so that they could explain the science behind their investigations and share their brilliant displays. 



Miss Cannon and I had the incredibly difficult task of choosing runners up and a winner, but after much discussion.... well done to:


Archie, our Science Fair Winner 2021                      and L-R, Rebecca, Ollie, Theo, Willa and Ella F, our runners up. 


But a huge well done to all of Class 3! 

After our science fair, we went into the garden and enjoyed chatting and experiencing being back at school, while helping to prepare the flower beds for the vegetables to be planted. 

 Chitting potatoes....


Class 3, it's been so lovely to see you all back and you've all been brilliant this week. See you on Monday, 


Mrs Reeve :.)

School Reopening - Monday 8th March 2021

Welcome back Class 3 - we're so looking forward to having you all back in school. A few things to be aware of :

  • Please see Mrs Butler's letter detailing new arrangements
  • Remember to bring in water bottles and a healthy snack for break times
  • There will be no forest schools for Class 3 before the Easter break
  • PE will continue to be on Wednesday and Friday. On these days, please can your child come in to school wearing their PE kit.
  • The curriculum areas taught will be largely the same as the Autumn Term timetable but we will update any changes in due course
  • Please can you be aware that if your child brings a book in to school, we kindly ask that the book will be left in school for your child to read throughout the week. This will prevent unnecessary items travelling to and from school on a daily basis. We therefore ask that your child will also have a book that they are reading simultaneously at home. 
  • Should you need to contact us, please revert back to the usual system of emailing the school admin account, rather than using staff email addresses. 
  • If you have concerns about any aspect of your child's return to school, please feel free contact us. 

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow! 

Best wishes, 

Mrs Reeve

Christmas Church Service 2020

This year, our Christmas church service was a little different, with friends and families joining us virtually, however, it didn't stop Class 3 from delivering a great performance.  Everybody in the class write a verse to contribute to our class poem, which we then read aloud to share for our performance.  We hope htat you enjoy reading it below.


Bring the Christmas Spirit

A shared write poem, by Class 3


Lucy: Bring the children so excited 

Bring the snow falling in the wind

School’s ready to close for the Christmas break

As Christmas is going to begin 


James: Bring the evergreen Christmas trees

With their pine smell

And their emerald branches 

Bring the ringing bells. 


Archie: Bring your multi-coloured glass bulbs,

Filled with hopes and dreams 

Glistening brightly for the future

Sending out magnificent beams


Jamie: Bring the twinkling tinsel

And the bulbs that are alight

It’s wonderful to see and 

It fills me with delight


Saskia: Bring the crackling fireplace 

Glowing in the moonlight

Glowing as bright as morning sunshine

Its new dawn fills me with delight


Ella F: Bring the comforting warm flames,

Like soft soot and wood in the fire,

Bring the crunchy crackle,

Bring Christmas spirit running higher!


Anna : Bring the  presents wrapped under the tree

Like a nut waiting to be seen

Watching the golden wrapping,

Covering a little girl’s dream


Dylan: Bring children unwrapping presents,

Bring the happy faces

Bring the gift boxes of joy

Bring the toys In many places


Jodie: Bring the decorations

Bring the radiant red elf

I see it moving whilst

Sitting on a vibrant Christmas shelf


All: Bring the juicy turkey,

roast potatoes, pigs in a blankets

Bring the brussels, bring the parsnips

Bring the delicious Christmas banquet


Willa: Bring the pudding fresh out of the oven

To be a nice warm treat

Something to enjoy at the end of the day

The smell brings joy to everyone you meet


Rebecca: Bring the snow falling from the sky

Sparkling snowflakes falling to the ground

Dancing from up high

Shining like a million diamonds in a mound


Ella W: Bring glistening and shimmering snowflakes

As silent as an owl’s swooping sound

Dancing gracefully in the cold winter air

Falls with a gentle crunch to the ground


Jazmine: Bring the sparkling, smooth glass baubles, 

Christmas is over fast

Let the people come together

And let them remember memories from the past


Ollie: Bring the relaxing, reassuring hug

The warm comforting fire

The crispy, crackling sounds, 

Orange and flickering, the warmth that I desire


Theo: Bring the Christmas Spirit,

Bring the holy Christmas star

Bring Jesus Christ our saviour

Ring the bells of heaven, rejoicing from afar


Cecily: Bring families giving altogether

Bring all the love and joy

Singing carols merrily across the town

While Father Christmas has your toy


All: After the year of 2020

Bring us Christmas spirit aplenty


Merry Christmas! 


Decorating the School Christmas Trees

Class Three have spent some of this afternoon decorating either the hall Christmas tree or the tree in the entrance foyer - both look wonderful. Thanks to the children, Miss Davis and Mrs Gridley for their help with this!

Christmas Decoration Afternoon - 30th November 2020

This afternoon, the children of Class 3 created some fabulous Christmas decorations for hoops to hang in the hall. We hope you enjoy some of the photos of their afternoon! 


The finished result.......


Remembrance Day Service - 11th November 2020

Class 3 participated in a short Remembrance Day service, led by Rev. Giles. A two minute silence was held at 11am, to commemorate the significance of this day in history. 

Forest Schools

Just to remind you that Forest Schools will start again on the first Monday after half term ( Monday 2nd November 2020) . The sessions will be run by Mrs Marriot as before and the children will need warm, waterproof clothing and wellies as usual. We know they'll have an amazing time! 

Maths Homework 01.10.2020

Maths homework is now online on SumDog. It is due in on Wednesday 7th October 2020. Enjoy the game! Mrs Reeve

Important Information for Parents of Year 6 Children. 

Just to remind you that the deadline for applications for Secondary School places is on 31st October 2020. Please do check the websites of the schools that you are interested in applying for  - some schools are offering a virtual open evening / videos this year.  Kind regards, Mrs Reeve and Mrs Ward.  

Please be aware that with regards to school catchment, here we are Farlingaye high school.

However, with regards to free transport to school, as a rough guide: Children living in Orford, Iken and Sudbourne fall under the Saxmundham Free School free bus transport. Children living half way through Chillesford and Butley fall under the Farlingaye High School free bus transport.  Please see this link for further details. 

Important information for Wednesday 30th September 2020!

Just to let you know that we have changed our arrangements for P.E. kit for the foreseeable future. Now that we have altered the time of our P.E. slot, we have decided that it will be much easier for the children to be able to come to school WEARING their P.E. kit.  These arrangements will begin tomorrow. A reminder that our P.E. days fall on Wednesdays and Fridays. Kind regards, Mrs Reeve and Mrs Ward. 

Welcome back to school 

Welcome back to Class 3 . We look forward to another exciting year.