Orford CofE - Flexi-schooling statement
This statement has been developed to assist the Headteacher and governing body to manage requests for flexible schooling at Orford. As an inclusive school, we wish to create a culture where all are supported to achieve their best. We believe in the principle that children should be educated in school on a full-time basis. We understand that some parents may have specific reasons - including the fact that pupils may have additional needs, which mean they may request a place on a flexi-school basis. It is also recognised that parents have a right to elect for ‘education other than at school’ and can withdraw their children from formal schooling in order to educate them at home.
The governing body aims to:
- Maintain high levels of attendance and encourage full-time formal education;
- Minimise disruption to the education of all pupils;
- Support inclusive practices, making reasonable adjustments, in particular for pupils with additional needs;
- Consider any application for flexible schooling on a case by case basis;
- Create a positive culture which supports the health, safety and wellbeing of staff and pupils
- Aim to gradually increase time in school to a full time commitment
The school’s aims and ethos are published on the websites and are considered carefully during the consideration of an application.
Roles and responsibilities
As maintained schools, admissions are dealt with centrally by Suffolk, and a school place is offered on a full-time basis. Requests for flexible schooling are to be made to the Headteacher, who will decide on a case by case basis whether such an application is accepted. Ideally this request will be discussed before a school place is applied for or offered.
- There is no automatic right to flexi-schooling; each case will be looked at on an individual basis, considering such things as whether there is room in the year group, and whether the child is likely to make the transition to full-time education.
- Governors will be happy to speak to parents about the pros and cons of flexi-schooling.
- The importance of regular days should be emphasised in order for friendships in school to develop. There are key social aspects of school.
- A part-time timetable agreement should be signed every half-term.
- Regular meetings with parents will enable us to agree a part-time timetable for the next half-term. This will help to ensure agreed and regular days of attendance, so we are clear when the child should be in school. Pupils can come in for extra days in agreement in advance, but we would not expect there to be additional days at home.
- We encourage parents/carers to share the home learning with the school each half-term.
- Invitations to special school events may be extended to all pupils, even if they do not fall on their usual days, the school will ask when this is the case.
- Pupils may be invited to attend enrichment activities, which may be in addition to their usual attended days, the school will ask when this is the case.
- There will be regular and consistent conversations with the parents/ carers.
- As many mornings as possible should be included for core subject teaching time.
- The age of a child should be taken into consideration when discussing an application for flexible schooling to avoid academic and social problems.
The final decision to flexischool rests with the Headteacher, and there must be prior agreement before this can commence.
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.