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Orford CEVA Primary School


CEVA Primary School

Nursery Fees and Funding


Our fees are £4.50 per hour, per child. 

Any off-site trips, visitors and special events will be charged separately, but letters will be sent out with plenty of noticeWe want to make the start of Nursery as easy as possible for parents. Before your child starts, you will receive funding information and a PAF form (for funding), a personal information form with a number of parental/ carer permission forms to be signed. If any support is needed with the forms please ask any of the staff who will be more than happy to help.

Funding available

If your child is eligible for a 15 hour voucher, we will match-fund an additional 15 hours so you receive 30 for no additional cost!

Funding is set by the government. On application for a Nursery place and termly thereafter, you will receive a funding form. These must be filled in and returned to the school office in order to secure your funded place. 

15 hours funding for all 3-4 year olds - All 3-4 year olds are eligible to 15 hours a week, 38 weeks a year. For more information click here.

30 hours funding for 3-4 year olds with both parents working

If you think you may be eligible for 30 hours free childcare a week, 38 weeks per year for 3-4 year olds click here

15 hours funding for 2 year olds for those parents claiming qualifying benefits - If you think you may be eligible for 15 hours a week, 38 weeks a year free childcare for 2 year olds click here

15 hours funding for 2 year old where both parents are working - if you think you may be eligible please visit the .gov website here

Any additional hours that are outside funded hours are charged at £4.50 per hour

Non-funded children are charged at £4.50 per hour (lunch sessions £2.25)


Late collection

If you are more than 5 mins late collecting a fee of £4.50 is chargeable. If more than 10 mins late a fee of £10 is chargeable and £1 per minute thereafter.


Invoices are issued daily on Arbor and payments should be kept up to date. There is an automatic £10 charge if payment isn’t paid within two weeks of the charge being made. For invoice enquiries please contact the school office.

Sickness and Holidays 

Full fees are applicable for absences (including sickness and holidays). If your child will not be attending their session please ring 01394 450281 and choose option 3. If we haven’t received a call 1 hour after the start of your child’s session we will give you a quick courtesy call. This is in line with our ‘Children missing in education policy’ and part of our safeguarding policy.